Jeff: I Know What To Do, But…


Jeff: I Know What To Do, But…

January 3, 2018 Self Care Tools 0

I probably work 60 hours a lot of weeks, sometimes more.

I try really hard to get home in time for all my daughter’s games and my wife and I are very involved at our church. My parents are getting older, like everybody’s, but I feel like I need to check in on them more than I used to, and I’m the one who takes care of a lot of stuff at their house now. They live 30 miles away, so that’s been taking up more time too.

I majored in health sciences in college and I feel like I do know what I should be doing as far as eating better. And I know I should be more active, a lot of days I’m sitting at my desk on the phone literally all day long. And then sitting in my car driving home or to the games, or to church, or to my parents. Sit, sit, sit. It seems like all I do sometimes.

Finding the time, and just doing all these things, is what’s been killing me. I just couldn’t see how other people made this work, how there were enough hours in the day.

The great thing about my health coach has been helping me think about making these changes in new ways. Sometimes she shares tips about what other people have tried, and sometimes she just helps me see a new way of thinking about things.

It’s such a load off my mind to feel like I’m making progress. I’m actually looking forward to my next doctor’s visit. He’s going to be in shock, I guarantee it.

(Stories represent typical situations based on the aggregated experiences of our providers and clients.)


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